Day Service

SEN-Fit has created a day service that offers young people 16 years and older the opportunity to engaged in activities in a friendly, fun and fulfilling way in the three areas of

  • Fitness
  • Health
  • Well-Being


During the Fitness section of the day, clients will take part in exercise, such as circuits, cardio, strength. Fitness activities also include access community settings, such as the Gym, Swimming pool, Climbing center, Public footpaths.

Fitness activities will be challenging, and offer opportunities to try new activities.


Health section of the day will offer opportunities to learn about how clients can keep themselves healthy, and what to do if they feel unhealthy. Independence will be promoted through activities such as:

  • Washing
  • Skin Care
  • Preparing healthy snacks and meals
  • Making healthy food choices
  • Building understanding of services

We will invite specialist in to talk to clients about looking after their physical health, and teach skills to keep healthy.


During the Well-Being section of the day clients will focus on building their mental health. We will look at what supports our mental health, and what we can do when our mental health is deteriorating, building a tool kit of support for clients. Activities for this part of the day will focus on

  • Emotional Literacy learning
  • Mindfulness
  • Relaxation
  • Yoga

Independence and Social Skills

The Day service will offer opportunities to practice, Client's independence skills, weather this is ordering items in a cafe, using transport, or keeping their belongings safe, Clients will be encouraged to do as much as they can for themselves.

The Day service offer clients a social space to meet others, share interests and be involved together, from supporting each other through fitness sessions, to relaxing together as part of Well-Being sessions, clients will have the chance to meet, talk and build connections with others.

If you think this is something you or someone you care for would like to be part of, please get in touch using the contact form below, or see the contact page for further ways to speak to SEN-Fit

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